Eighth Grade

Grade 8 

Teachers: Mr. Dale Kleba, Mr. John O'Connor  

The center or focus of the eighth-grade classroom environment revolves around the grace and love of Jesus Christ. Students are encouraged to use fully the individual gifts and talents with which God has blessed them. They are also strongly encouraged to take on the responsibility for their education on themselves and to seek out assistance when each one feels it is needed. 

Eighth grade continues with the departmentalization that began in 6th & 7th grades. 

Field Trips: Our main field trip is a week-long trip every other year to Washington, D.C., and Williamsburg, VA, with the 7th & 8th grades. During the school year, the 7th & 8th graders may attend plays or other field trips related to the curriculum. 

Curriculum features: 

United States History 8 - The eighth grade year of United States History follows the history of our nation from the time of our Civil War through the 20th Century. Students are involved in two main projects during this year of study. The first one occurs during the middle of the year when the students are examining immigration to the United States during the late 1800’s. They are required to do their own genealogy study, in part, to determine when their ancestors arrived in this country. The second project involves students working within groups to prepare and present an in-class presentation on one of the decades of the late 1900’s. Efforts are constantly made in class to take the ideas, inventions, and culture of the past and relate it to our nation today. 

Bible Study 8 - Eighth grade Bible study is an opportunity for students and teachers to come together to examine God’s Word and understand how relevant it is in today’s world and in our daily lives. We strive to apply the truth of Scripture to the joys, the challenges, and the opportunities that all Christians experience in their life-long faith walk with Jesus. The studies are often teacher prepared and are led by the Holy Spirit and our text is the Holy Bible. 

Algebra - This is a full-year study of Algebra 1. Students solve linear equations and systems, they work with exponential equations, they solve quadratic equations using a variety of methods, and they also spend time in the study of statistic and probability. Graphing and the use of graphing programs or apps is also an integral part of the algebra program. Students are also strongly encouraged to extend their study of algebra beyond the classroom. 

Feature Video

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Feature Video

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8th grade test result graphic

Geometry – This high school level course explores the foundations of Euclidean geometry as well as basic proof writing. It provides an in-depth analysis of two and three-dimensional geometric shapes (points, lines, planes, triangles, polygons, circles, and solids) and examines their properties, measurements, and relations in space. Through daily work and special projects, the students can relate geometric concepts to their daily lives. Students attending Lake Country Lutheran High School can receive credit for this class after showing proficiency on a placement exam. 

Literature 8 – In eighth grade, literature class encourages students to become independent and critical thinkers as well as embracing reading as a lifelong pursuit. Through short stories as well as classic and award-winning novels, students connect the messages and themes of literature to their own lives. Authors that have been used for short story units in the past include O. Henry and Edgar Allan Poe. Examples of novels that might be read are The Giver, Animal Farm, The Hobbit, Call of the Wild, The Hiding Place, and The Pearl. Students are encouraged to demonstrate knowledge of literary skills and creativity through a variety of hands-on projects as well as technology. 

Technology: At DRLS we are always exploring new ways to use technology in the classrooms. Each student has an individual iPad for school use. The eighth graders use the G Suite for Education with Google Classroom as our primary technology platform. The students will use a variety of apps throughout the year, such as Nearpod, Flipgrid, Quizlet, and Adobe Creative Cloud. 

Specials and Electives 

Two specials that all students in eighth grade are required to take are physical education and art. Another special that all students are required to take is music. The music special, though, offers elective choices. Those elective choices are the following: band, choir, drumline, hand bells, and Praise Band.  

Two other non-music electives are Spanish and Theatre. 

Free-Style Fridays offer students an entire class period, once-a-week on Fridays to take a "real life skills" class.  Each quarter students get to select a new subject.  See Free-style Fridays on the previous class grid for subject topics.


Students in eighth grade have numerous extra-curricular opportunities. Those opportunities include the following: 

Basketball (girls and boys), Girls Volleyball, Co-ed Track & Field, Co-ed Soccer, Forensics, Leadership Organizations- SOAR, LEAD Teams, and more!